Gift Trees changing sanctuary landscape

A young hiker enjoys a sunny September stroll through the Collins Sanctuary (Emma Gray)

by Emma Gray

In 2009, Friends of Trees entered into an exciting partnership with Metro and the Audubon Society of Portland to help restore the Metro-owned and Portland Audubon-managed Collins Sanctuary.

Long ago timber harvesting and invasive non-native species had taken their toll on this special part of Portland’s urban forest. But now, thanks to Audubon’s careful  stewardship and Friends of Trees’ Gift Tree program, the Sanctuary is getting a much-needed face lift.

The Friends of Trees Gift Tree program is a meaningful way to honor or celebrate the people in our lives with a gift that also makes the earth a better place and supports Friends of Trees’ Green Space Initiative program. Now those Gift Tree purchases will help restore the Collins Sanctuary, too!

'Cones' fallen from the Collins Sanctuary canopy (Emma Gray)

Twice a year, in December and March, anyone who has given or received a Gift Tree is invited to join us as we plant trees that celebrate accomplishments, acknowledge valued colleagues or business associates, commemorate the passing of friends or loved ones, welcome to the world new friends and loved ones, congratulate newlyweds and recent graduates, recognize milestones, or simply express our desire to plant trees.

Gift Tree plantings have already resulted in 745 native trees and plants dotting the newly ivy-free slopes of the Sanctuary. Even more exciting is that the Gift Tree plantings will take place at the Collins Sanctuary at least through the year 2016 and will result in the planting of thousands of trees!

The Collins Sanctuary is a gorgeous example of our urban forest. Visitors are often struck by the serenity and beauty of the landscape. Even frequent visitors will notice how often the landscape changes, making each trek feel like a different experience from the last.

If you would like to help us restore this native forest and robust wildlife habitat with a Gift Tree purchase, click here for more information. We can’t wait to share this special place with you!

Emma Gray is the Gift Tree and Membership Services Specialist for Friends of Trees.