Why become a crew leader?

Planting trees... (Greg Tudor)
To plant trees ... (Greg Tudor)
Planting trees, meeting people (Greg Tudor)
... and meet good people. February 20, 2010 (Greg Tudor)

By Greg Tudor

As a transplant to Portland, I know personally how tough it can be to connect to the community at large. Which happy hour should you go to? Where can you go play pick-up soccer? Short of “accidentally” locking your bike to the cute neighbor’s bike, how are you going to learn anyone’s name?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Becoming a crew leader with Friends of Trees is hands-down the best way to meet people in this town. Think about it, you’re out in the fresh air, meeting other people who want to get involved in their community, other tree huggers (or tree high fivers) no less. And the best part? Everyone’s wearing a name tag.

Regardless of your level of experience planting trees, if you’ve got the enthusiasm for it, we’ll teach you how. Friends of Trees crew leaders come from all around the world, with different backgrounds, different educations, and different interests. But the one thing that they all share is a desire to make Portland a greener, friendlier, healthier city. By planting with Friends of Trees, you’re physically contributing to your community, learning the names of the neighborhoods and the surrounding areas, making a difference every Saturday.

You can pre-register for our Neighborhood Trees Crew Leader Trainings HERE and for our Green Space Initiative Crew Leader Trainings HERE.  These trainings are always popular and space is limited!

For more information about becoming a crew leader, or about volunteering in general, contact Andy Meeks at (503)282-8846 ext. 24, or email him at [email protected].

Tudor is the Development Manager for Friends of Trees.