Kicking it up 350 notches with the Timbers

By Andy Meeks

As the Portland Timbers prepare for a big weekend of play with a chance to host the MLS Cup, head coach Caleb Porter says that the team is “[…]capable of going to another level and turning it up a notch.”  Good luck, guys!

And speaking of going to another level, Friends of Trees is preparing to do just that – 350 times over – on Saturday, December 7 when we’ll be kicking it up a notch on our tree planting season.  On that day, Friends of Trees and the Timbers are joining forces to improve nine southeast Portland neighborhoods with approximately 350 large street and yard trees in about 4 hours. These trees will comprise more than 10% of all of the street and yard trees we’ll plant in the entire season!

Join us at one of our two public planting events on Saturday, December 7 (see more information below) and make this day a resounding success for the Rose City!

Friends of Trees and the Portland Timbers - joining forces on December 7, 2013. Join us!

Volunteering at our tree planting events is a great way to get fresh air and exercise, learn how to plant trees and make a big impact in the community in a short time. No experience is necessary and all you need to do is simply show up and be dressed for the weather. Please arrive around 8:45am to ensure enough time to sign-in and enjoy some free coffee and breakfast treats.  Friends of Trees will also provide gloves, tools and all necessary guidance. These events will run until 1:00pm.

Brentwood-Darlington, Mt. Scott-Arleta, Woodstock, Brooklyn, Sellwood-Moreland and Eastmoreland neighborhoods

  • The goal is to plant 255 large street and yard trees in these neighborhoods!
  • Meet at Reedwood Friends Church at 2901 SE Steele Street in Portland (map).  Look for Friends of Trees signs when you arrive.

Buckman, HAND, Richmond neighborhoods

  • The goal is to plant almost 100 large street and yard trees in these neighborhoods!
  • Meet at St. Paul Lutheran Church at 3880 SE Brooklyn Street in Portland (map).  Look for Friends of Trees signs when you arrive.

Plant By Bike!
This season we’re offering five more chances to plant by bike. For bicycling crews, all the tools, all the trees, all the people will be transported by bicycle. Can you imagine a greener activity?  The Buckman, HAND, Richmond planting will have 1-2 crews solely dedicated to planting with bicycle power. If you’re interested in joining one of these crews, please fill out this form:

Friends of Trees :: Plant By Bike! sign-up form

For a fun introduction to what planting by bike entails, please check out this video!

If bikes are your thing, try planting trees with one on Dec. 7th!

If you have any additional questions, please contact Andy Meeks or Jenny Bedell-Stiles at 503-595-0[two]13 or email us at Volunteer [at]FriendsofTrees[dot]org.

— Andy is the Volunteer & Outreach Manager for Friends of Trees