Can you grow a forest in three days?

By Emma Gray

Friends of Trees is going to grow a forest in three days! Sound crazy? Not if we have your help. Between May 31 and June 2, Friends of Trees is lucky to partner with Groupon and be the recipient of funds raised through this week’s Groupon campaign. During these three days, your $15 donation will plant a tree in the gorgeous Collins Sanctuary. If Friends of Trees receives just 30 $15 donations, the Campaign is ON!

Collins Sanctuary
Native trees to be planted at the Collins Sanctuary (Brian Black)

The more donations we receive, the more trees we can plant. Before you know it, we will have raised enough to grow a new forest in our city!

The Collins Sanctuary is a parcel of land degraded from logging in the early part of the 20th century and invasive species. It is in desperate need of restoration. The Sanctuary is publicly owned by Metro and managed by the Audubon Society of Portland. Friends of Trees is honored to be a part of this partnership tasked to replant native species and restore this forest. Now you can help with this ambitious endeavor.

Planting in the Collins Sanctuary (Greg Tudor)

Over the next five years, Friends of Trees aims to plant 5,000 new native trees and shrubs at the Collins Sanctuary.  How far toward that goal can we get in three days? It’s up to you!

Every $15 plants a tree, and every tree cleans the air and water. Every tree creates wildlife habitat. Every tree beautifies a special public space.

Can we actually grow a forest in three days? Of course not. We can’t change the laws of nature. But we can make a huge start. Help us make the most of this Groupon campaign to continue our restoration efforts at the Collins Sanctuary.

It’s only three days, but in those three days you can help us plant a forest that will grow for a hundred years.

– Gray is Gift Tree & Membership Services Specialist for Friends of Trees.