Calling all aspiring Crew Leaders!

By Jenny Bedell-Stiles

Crew Leader Trainings are Oct. 26th, Nov 2nd, and Nov. 9th!

As the mornings turn cooler and more crunchy leaves scatter across city sidewalks promising satisfactory stomping, we in the Northwest know that Autumn is on the way.  This also means tree-planting season is upon us again and with that, our series of annual Crew Leader trainings!  Crew Leaders teach our volunteers how to plant trees and work together as a team and are one of our most crucial volunteer roles.  Don’t worry, no experience is necessary; we’ll train you in everything you’ll need to know!  Sound like something you’d be interested in?

REGISTER HERE for one of our popular trainings!

So maybe you’re still on the fence, eh?  Not sure if you want to spend a few Saturday mornings November – April working with amazing people and making a difference improving wildlife habitat, air quality, and urban sustainability?  Then allow us to provide a few other examples about why this is one of the most rewarding ways you can spend your time:

Have we swayed you?  Are you now completely on board with this awesome opportunity to teach others how to plant trees, get outdoors, and get your hands dirty?  Great — we’ll see you on training day!

Submit your registration HERE to save your place at one of our Crew Leader trainings!

Hauling a "balled-and-burlapped" tree at our Boise, Eliot, Humboldt & King, Feb. 9, 2013, (photo by Lucia DeLisa)

-Jenny is the Volunteer & Outreach Specialist with Friends of Trees and wants you to know that if there is something more you want out of Crew Leading you should get in touch!  You can reach her and Andy in the Volunteer Program at 503.595.0213.