Water your trees in the heat

Time to water trees! Photo by Chijo Takeda.
Water your trees during these hot summer days! (Chijo Takeda)

Help your trees through these hot summer days!

Trees should be watered for the first three summers after planting. Friends of Trees recommends that you water them deeply with five to ten gallons twice a week.

Here are two great ways to keep your trees watered. Watch our video on using ooze tubes and our video on watering with a bucket with holes drilled in the bottom.

Also, adding mulch in an 18-inch radius around the base of your tree will help the soil retain moisture. Just be sure to clear mulch away from the trunk in a three-inch radius to avoid moisture-induced problems.

Trees can be your best friends during the summer. Our video from last July shows a nearly 50-degree difference between sun-baked pavement and shaded concrete!

-Teri Ruch