Good things grow on trees. Find yours at Friends of Trees.

Good Things Do Grow on Trees - Plant It Portland!
Find your tree (and the good things that grow on it) at

Our online store is live! Add your name to the growing list of people who want trees at The sooner you sign up, the more selection you’ll have.

For $35 to $75 you get a tree, delivery, hole digging, planting assistance, stakes, and follow-up maintenance checks. You’ll also be invited to a neighborhood potluck after the planting.

If a planting isn’t scheduled in your neighborhood yet, contact Andy Meeks at [email protected] to learn how you can bring a planting to your neighborhood.

What good things grow on trees?

Conservation: Tree shade can help cut your energy costs by 35 percent during the summer.

Health: Trees clean our air, water, and soil for an all-around healthier city.

Community: Tree-lined streets calm and slow traffic. This creates safer neighborhoods and happier people.

And yes, even money grows on trees! Planting trees on your property can add $7,000 to the value of your home.

If you have questions about your neighborhood planting, email your neighborhood coordinator by typing your neighborhood’s name plus “” We have a complete list of neighborhood coordinator e-mails on our blog, Growth Rings.

Find out more about Plant It Portland, our three-year campaign to plant thousands of trees across the city. Watch for Plant It Vancouver signs, too—and new trees at homes in Beaverton and Gresham.