Can you help Garry at EPO EXPO and Sunday Parkways this weekend?

Friends of Trees at Sunday Parkways: June 27th, 2010
Join Garry in East Portland this weekend! (FoT file)

As part of his summer tour, Garry the Oak is making his way to the East Portland Exposition (EPO EXPO) this Saturday and to Sunday Parkways the following day.

The six-mile Sunday Parkways route on July 18 will connect EPO EXPO at Ed Benedict Community Park with Bloomington and Lents parks—and with the I-205 Multi-Use Path that passes through Lents Park.

At Lents Park, Garry will join the many trees that Friends of Trees planted along the path earlier this year in partnership with Metro, ODOT and others.

If you’re a Friend of Trees outreach volunteer—or if you trained as a summer festival volunteer—and can help Garry spread the word about Friends of Trees this weekend, please contact Greg at [email protected] or 503-282-8846 ext. 12.

Garry spent last weekend at the Mississippi Street Fair. Did you see him in the middle of the crowd on the front page of “How We Live” in the July 12 Oregonian?

This slideshow shows fans hugging Garryana the Oak at the June 27 Sunday Parkways.

–Teri Ruch