Bike planting a success!

By Chelsea Schuyler

12-4-10 Plant It Portland! Kickoff Planting
Bicycling crew with Mayor Sam Adams on Dec. 4, 2010 (Chelsea Schuyler in orange coat)

Well, I had a blast. A beautiful rain-free day, a gaggle of tree-hauling bike trailers, and a planting with the mayor.

This was the first time I’d even hooked a trailer up to my bike, let alone hauled a Flame Maple sapling around in it. Thanks to everyone who came. With so many cyclists, the load felt like a breeze!

I think the best part of planting by bike, besides the immediate pride and gratification of being in the fresh air the whole time, was interacting with the neighbors. As our caravan cycled by, anyone on their porch or yard waved and said, “Hey, a bike planting!” And we all rang our bells and shouted hello. It wasn’t just about the trees. It was about the people.

And it doesn’t get much more community based than planting a tree with the mayor. Click here if you haven’t seen KGW’s and Galaxy Sailor’s videos of Mayor Adams from Growth Rings yet. You can also check out these great photos taken by Mary Kay Nitchie:

If you missed this bike planting, you have three more chances. Specifically:

January 22 – Laurelhurst-Kerns-Sunnyside-North Tabor
February 5 – Piedmont-Woodlawn
March 5 – Montavilla-Mount Tabor

Mark your calendars and Sign up here!

–Chelsea Schuyler is a contributing blogger for Friends of Trees.

A note from Friends of Trees’ tree-tallying team: During the 2010-11 planting season, hundreds of volunteers have planted 4,158 trees and shrubs, making a total number of 395,922 trees and shrubs during our 21 years!