Approaching 400,000 trees and shrubs planted

5,000 trees in four months
As the planting season slows, summer events like Tree Care begin. (FOT file)

The largest, most anticipated planting season in two decades is about to end for Friends of Trees, and the results are staggering.

A quick look at the not-so-rough numbers from the 2009-10 season:

  • 16,764* trees and shrubs planted
  • 4,526* large trees injected into the local canopy
  • Over a dozen natural area restoration sites established
  • Thousands of volunteer hours, from digging holes to preparing chili
  • Plantings spread across rivers and counties, in various cities and dozens of neighborhoods

Overall, these numbers equate to 391,764* trees and shrubs planted by Friends of Trees over the past 20 years.

Not so bad for a small, grass roots nonprofit that plants via neighborhood and community involvement.

Some video highlights from this season: the Green Space Initiative (GSI) program began its three-year project along the I-205 Multi-Use Path, and people are excited; the popular Plant by Bike events offered by the Neighborhood Trees (NT) program continued to flourish; the NT partnership with the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) made its largest Saturday splash with 300 street and yard trees planted in one day; and just last week, the popular Gift Trees program had its second special planting event in Collins Sanctuary.

The opportunities to contribute to the urban forest continue during the spring and summer with Tree Care events. Check back soon for updates, and sign-up now to be the first to get information for the 2010-11 NT planting schedule.

*These numbers are expected to climb slightly due to end-of-year special plantings and other ongoing projects.

–Toshio Suzuki