AmeriCorps position for Plant It Vancouver!

Vancouver Neighborhood Canopy Outreach Coordinator Brooke Davidson guiding a neighborhood coordinator. (Brian Black)

This 11-month AmeriCorps position could be yours. It could also lead to a long-term staff position at Friends of Trees.

Being the Neighborhood Canopy Outreach Coordinator for Vancouver is a great way to serve the community, receive health benefits, and get your foot in the door for future employment.

From Aug. 23, 2010 to July 23, 2011, the Vancouver Neighborhood Canopy Outreach Coordinator will work with Friends of Trees and the city of Vancouver to help volunteer neighborhood coordinators organize street and yard tree plantings. This pdf file provides a complete position description and guidelines on how to apply.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Interviews are currently underway, so don’t wait to apply!