The future of West Hayden Island

West Hayden Island (Audubon Society of Portland)
West Hayden Island (Audubon Society of Portland)

The city of Portland is considering whether or not to annex more than 800 acres on the west side of Hayden Island. The Port of Portland owns most of the area, which is within the Metro Urban Growth Boundary.

At a City Council session on July 29, at 6 p.m., the West Hayden Island Community Working Group (CWG) will present its recommendations. The CWG is made of stakeholders from a wide range of interests, including recreation, natural resources and environmental groups, Hayden Island neighborhoods, the marine industry, area businesses, city of Portland, Metro and Port of Portland.

Key concerns involve the riparian cottonwood forest on West Hayden Island, where dozens of species live, including some that are endangered, and the need to expand the city’s port facilities to support the economic health of local industries.

The public is invited to comment on this stage of the project by testifying before City Council or by sending comments to the Council Clerk by mail at 1221 SW Fourth Avenue, Room 140, Portland, OR 97204 or by fax at 503-823-4571.

Watch the city of Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability‘s web site for updates.

Other sources of information include the Port of Portland and the Audubon Society of Portland.

–Teri Ruch