University of Oregon’s Day of Service!

Hurray for trees! UO students gather before the planting
Hurray for trees! UO students gather before the planting

Volunteers plant 39 street trees

Jennifer Killian, Eugene Volunteer Program Coordinator

In celebration of Earth Week, students from the University of Oregon joined together to participate in the university’s annual Day of Service, designed to engage students in community service projects around campus. Over 200 students participated in nine different service projects including working in parks to weed and mulch, collecting and removing litter, working on a community garden, and of course, planting trees with Friends of Trees!

Approximately 50 of those students joined an additional 40 Friends of Trees Staff and volunteer crew leaders, as well as a few community volunteers to plant 39 trees in the West University and South University neighborhoods!

Bike teams head off to get mulch!
Bike teams head off to get mulch!

Trees species were selected by Friends of Trees staff based on appropriate site conditions which included planting strip width, soil condition, and the presence of overhead powerlines. There were 11 varieties of trees planted including a Oregon and California native oaks, paperbark maples, bigleaf maple, silver linden, and Oregon myrtle.

This planting was done entirely on foot or bike, with Hummingbird Wholesale and the Center for Alternative Transport’s Pedalers Express, and Arriving By Bike providing volunteers with cargo bikes and bike trailers delivering tools, supplies and mulch. Friends of Trees hopes to schedule many more of these sustainable and green bike-supported plantings in the future. In addition to the environmental benefits of using cargo bikes.

Students get in line to enjoy delicious pizza from Track Town Pizza
Students get in line to enjoy delicious pizza from Track Town Pizza

Special thank you to UO Government and Community Relations and Eugene Water & Electric Board for generously sponsoring this event! Thank you also to Track Town Pizza and New Day Bakery for discounts food that kept volunteers happy and energized!