A Way to Prevent the Solar Panel vs Tree Conflict

By Brighton West

The city of Portland has come up with a clever way to bring solar panels within reach of all residents. Some residents have shingles that are too old, others rent their homes, still others have trees shading their roof. But the city’s plan can help all of them jump on the solar bandwagon.

Solar Panels

With funding from the Oregon Community Foundation, the city will begin placing solar panels on the roof of the Southwest Community Center. Interested residents can contribute to the program so additional panels can be installed on other community centers in Portland. If you make a $500 or greater contribution, your money will be considered a loan, and you’ll get it back (no interest) in six years. Find out more.

Solar Oregon is also involved in legalizing Virtual Net Metering in Oregon. This would allow neighbors to pool their resources and install a solar PC array nearby in the most sensible location. They then reap the benefits of the electricity produced by these panels.

I’ve often wondered why people install solar panels where vegetation can block the sun. Now there’s a solution (and another possibly on the way) that helps people feel part of the solar movement without sacrificing green infrastructure.

–West is Deputy Director of Friends of Trees.