Another Way Trees Can Heal

Tree hug (Treecology)

On this blog, we’ve posted stories about how trees enhance our health by cleaning our water and air, by helping us engage in a more active lifestyle outdoors, by reducing the urban heat island effect and adding shade and cooling mist to the air on hot summer days, and by helping patients with views of trees heal more quickly.

Here’s one more way that trees can help us heal. Below is an excerpt from Tree Hugging Now Scientifically Validated:

Research has shown that you don’t even have to touch a tree to get better. Just being in its vicinity has a beneficial effect. …

“Trees do in fact improve many health issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), concentration levels, reaction times, depression and other forms of mental illness. …

“So what is it about nature that can have these significant effects? Up until now it has been thought to be the open green spaces that cause this effect. However, Matthew Silverstone shows that it is … the vibrational properties of trees and plants that give us the health benefits.”

Read the complete story here.

In the video, tree vibrations in a Damanhur forest are even translated into music. You can find out how it feels to hug a tree with more than a thousand other people on July 20. Join us at Hoyt Arboretum to break a Guinness World Record with Treecology and Hoyt Arboretum.