Speak for the trees, our river & FOT!

Forest Park's Balch Creek, a tributary of the Willamette River (Wikimedia Commons)

The Willamette River and Portland Harbor play a critical role in our environmental, economic, cultural, and recreational lives. Add your voice by taking a survey, and donate money to Friends of Trees! Planting trees makes our rivers cleaner.

Portland Harbor Partnership is working to raise awareness about the Portland Harbor Superfund Site on the Willamette River and to encourage everyone to have a voice in the future of the river by sharing their thoughts through a brief survey.

A $10,000 challenge fund has been established to support four local nonprofits—including Friends of Trees—and after completing the survey you can vote on which organization you want to receive financial support. Your vote for Friends of Trees will raise the percentage of money we will receive.

Please visit the Portland Harbor Partnership web site and complete the survey. You can also help spread the word about the challenge program to your friends and neighbors and encourage them to cast their vote for the organization of their choice.

The Portland Harbor Partnership is a public-private partnership working in cooperation with Portland State University and Oregon State University to support a broad community outreach effort. The purpose of this outreach is to raise awareness about the Portland Harbor Superfund Site on the Willamette River and to encourage everyone to have a voice in the future of the river. The Portland Harbor Partners include the Port of Portland, the Oregon Department of State Lands, Calbag Metals, Evraz Portland, Gunderson LLC, NW Natural, Schnitzer Steel, and Vigor Industrial.  Additional information can be found at www.PortlandHarborPartnership.com.