How many trees is your car worth?

The tree-to-car ratio

A flashy new graphic from a green auto industry site highlights the vital roll trees play in cleansing the environment.

Published the end of last month by, the sourced list graphically states “It takes 240 trees to absorb the CO2 produced from one car in a single year.”

The No. 8 statistic on the chart involves a statement that resonates with the Friends of Trees Green Space Initiative program that plants thousands of trees along the I-205 Multi-Use Path: “Studies show children living within 250 yards of congested highways are six times more likely to develop cancer.”

Friends of Trees works year-round to plant thousands of trees in the Portland-Vancouver metro area. Through several programs, this local nonprofit planted over 17,000 trees and shrubs this past planting season, ranging from one-foot-tall trees planted along creeks for restoration, to 12-foot-tall street trees planted in area neighborhoods.

Do you believe planting trees can off-set carbon emissions from cars? Are we planting enough? What about dirty air that surrounds highway systems—is that a social justice issue?

Share your thoughts and this blog post to get the discussion going.

–Toshio Suzuki