Our End of Season Shade Tree Sale is Here!

Complete your garden project today by adding one of our trees to your yard! We order our trees locally from wholesale nurseries, among the best in the US. The weather is warming, and flowers and trees are beginning their annual spring bloom. The time is now to get some new trees in the ground before summer rolls around.

On Saturday, May 14, 10am- 1pm, the Shade Tree Sale will be held at our office in NE Portland, (map). The sale includes sliding scale pricing: $5-75.

Need Street Trees? We got you! Our trees are large stock trees and might fit the requirements for replacing a street tree, or adding a street tree to your front or side planting strip or right-of-way (A planting permit is required to plant in the right-of-way. Apply for free here).

Here is a link to the urban forestry street tree list.

Looking for a yard tree to help increase the urban canopy or complete a garden project? We have some great options for you as well.

How it works: Arrive to Friends of Trees headquarters on Saturday, May 14th between 10:00 am-1:00 pm, take a look around, and consult with Friends of Trees staff. If you find a tree for you, you can purchase the tree and take it home that day (these trees are tall, so you’ll need to bring a vehicle with space, or you can arrange to pick up the tree the following week).

If you’re interested, email us at [email protected] and we’ll send you more information.