Vancouver + Friends of Trees

Friends of Trees has partnered with the City of Vancouver since 2003. In 19 years, we have planted 7754 neighborhood trees across Vancouver with support from community volunteers and local businesses.

Volunteer Tree Planting Events in Vancouver

SE Vancouver Neighborhoods Planting Event
Saturday, 12/3/2022

Central Vancouver Neighborhoods Planting Event
Saturday, 1/14/2023

Westside Vancouver Neighborhoods Planting Event
Saturday, 2/25/2023

NE Vancouver Neighborhoods Planting Event
Saturday, 3/25/2023

Become a Crew Leader!

20 new Planting Crew Leaders are needed to help lead Vancouver tree planting events this season. New Crew Leaders attend an online training session to learn tree planting basics and team leadership skills. This is followed by an in-person session at the first planting event in the fall. New Crew Leaders are paired up with a seasoned Crew Leader who will show you the ropes at your first few plantings.

Click Here to learn more or the button below to register.

Other Ways to Support in Vancouver

We’re planting hundreds of trees across Vancouver and we need you! Here are some of the biggest ways you can help:

Drive my Truck

If you've got a pickup truck, this is the biggest way you can help. We'll load you up with about 8-10 trees, and you'll bring the tools and trees from the staging site to three or four nearby planting sites in the neighborhood.

Plant Trees

Want to show up and help plant trees on a Saturday morning? Our Crew Leaders will show you how, and we'll provice all the tools. Check out our event calendar and select a date; then sign up online to save your spot!

Ride my Bike!

Join a bike-powered planting team! We're excited to run two Vancouver bike planting teams this year -- January 14th in Central Vancouver and February 25th in Westside Vancouver.