Trees: public or private goods?

Dec. 4, 2010, Plant It Portland! Kickoff in the Buckman, Hosford-Abernethy, Richmond Neighborhoods
Friends of Trees neighborhood planting, December 2010 (Mary Kay Nitchie)

Are trees private or public goods?

Who benefits when you plant a tree?

How do you know that the tree you pay to plant in another part of the world is actually planted and nurtured?

Read Tree-conomics in today’s New York Times to learn more. Below is an excerpt from the story:

The difference between private and public benefits explains why some local communities regulate tree management. But more profoundly, it drives a hardwood wedge between individual and social outcomes, with disturbing implications. Deforestation is contributing to global warming.

Why are rational economic actors having such a hard time responding to this problem? Partly because it can’t be reduced to individual choices. It requires coordinated actions that involve collective conflict, coalition-building and strategic maneuver.

You can learn more about the multiple benefits of planting city trees on Friends of Trees’ web site. Please consider planting trees with us this year at your home or in a public green space to benefit you, your family, and the entire community.