Monday morning visuals–planting trees in Oregon

The Neighborhood Trees (NT) program plants large street and yard trees in various Portland-metro urban areas. With proper care, large stock trees have a great survivability rate and are able to quickly impact their environmental.

While trucks are usually required for NT plantings, this Jan. 23 planting in Southeast Portland shows how three Plant by Bike crews used only their pedal power to plant 36 trees (see video here).

The Green Space Initiative (GSI) program plants and restores natural areas with small trees and shrubs. Earlier this year, GSI began a new project with Metro and ODOT that is bringing large, NT-size trees to the I-205 Multi-Use Path.

At this planting Jan. 16 at Rose Creek, volunteers were able to restore a native watershed with 600 trees and shrubs!

Thanks to Helen Lee and Bob Storer, respectively, for the images.

–Toshio Suzuki