Free Fruit Tree Steward program for Clark County residents

By Melissa Tiefenthaler

If you are enthusiastic about urban fruit trees and live in Clark County, this program is for you!

Urban Abundance is partnering with local arborists and tree experts to teach you everything you need to know about taking care of fruit and nut trees.

Topics include:

  • Tree Biology
  • Proper Pruning
  • Pest/Disease Management
  • Grafting
  • Native Pollinators
  • Fruit Thinning
  • Summer Maintenance


The Urban Fruit Tree Steward Course will be held January-June 2012. The course includes indoor classes every fourth Wednesday evening and outdoor, hands-on sessions every fourth Saturday.

In return for the free education, students are requested to share their time and new skills with the Harvesting Our Urban Orchards program. Volunteers will help harvest fruit and nuts from the trees of neighbors who would like harvesting assistance and want to donate their food, which is shared between volunteers and those in need.

To learn more or to apply, email Kim Hack at [email protected] or call 971-285-7372.

Tiefenthaler works for Friends of Trees as the Neighborhood Trees Assistant, loves living in Vancouver, and is looking forward to taking this class!