Can you spare a minute?

March 18, 2011 Friends of Trees Planting with Portland Trail Blazer Marcus Camby
Portland Trail Blazer Marcus Camby and his daughter (in foreground on right) planting along the I-205 Multi-Use Path in March 2011 (Greg Tudor)

It only takes a minute.

Whether or not you’ve heard of our three-year partnership with the Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro, and more than a dozen other groups to plant trees along the I-205 Multi-Use Path, we need your feedback! Please spend a minute or two to answer these seven quick questions so we can measure the awareness and impact of the project.

Many thanks to all of you who have already taken the survey. And many thanks to all who have planted with us along the path or helped support the project financially.

This October we’ll start our third planting season of leading volunteers at plantings along the path. Keep an eye on our calendar as we post the planting dates. We’ll also publish stories about the project, which is a part of our Green Space Initiative program, on this blog.

Another way to keep up to date is by “liking” the I-205 Multi-Use Path page on Facebook. Both Friends of Trees and our mascot Garry Oak “like” the I-205 Multi-Use Path. (We hope you’ll “like” Garry Oak and Friends of Trees, too!)