Thankful for trees, a Green Friday message

Plant It Portland Yard Signs

This holiday, I’m thankful for trees. It makes me happy that outside my window right now a dozen birds are flitting from limb to limb, preening, singing, or rubbing their beaks on branches. I’m sure I’m not alone in being grateful.

Trees of all sizes can make us happy and make our city a better place to live, but there are a few things about big trees that all of us should know.

Have you wondered why the city of Portland and city of Vancouver choose certain street tree species for planting strips over others? Depending on the size of a tree, the size and abundance of the tree’s leaves, and other factors, trees offer a wide range of varying benefits as they mature. Some provide more than 30 times the benefits of others.

What benefits are we talking about? Energy savings as the tree reduces cooling costs in summer (by providing shade) and heating costs in winter (by providing windbreaks); carbon dioxide absorption; air quality (by trapping air pollutants); rainwater absorption to reduce stormwater management costs and pollution in our rivers; and aesthetics.

Generally, the bigger the tree and the broader and thicker its canopy, the more benefits it provides. A recent U.S. Forest Service study in Portland also showed that big trees in planting strips versus small trees in yards are even associated with less crime.

According to a Portland Parks & Recreation City Nature study of the environmental and aesthetic value of trees, a Kousa Dogwood provides $20.90 in annual benefits compared to an elm, which provides $197.69. A Japanese Maple provides $10.49 in annual benefits versus a sweetgum, which provides $176.87. To see the entire list of species comparisons, check out page 35 in the study.

Friends of Trees offers only city-approved trees that provide the greatest benefits for all. When you go to Friends of Trees’ online store and find your tree choices for your planting strip, imagine how many environmental, aesthetic and safety benefits your trees will offer you, your children, your friends’ children—and everyone in the city. If you have a small planting strip, it’s necessary to plant smaller trees that can fit in the space. But if you have a bigger planting strip, you’ll benefit—and so will everyone else—from larger trees.

Shopping at Friends of Trees gives you the chance to use a custom online store that offers only trees approved for your home’s planting strip. This helps you avoid the disappointment of shopping at a retail nursery and falling head over heels for a tree that the city hasn’t approved for your planting strip width. At Friends of Trees, you don’t need to wonder if you’re choosing the right tree for the right place.

Another advantage to shopping with us is that city inspectors tell us whether your overhead wires are the kind that require a short tree or if they’re the type that a tree can grow around without damaging the wires or the tree. Read Brighton West’s series about planting trees with overhead wires in mind.

Friends of Trees works hard to offer as wide a range of tree selections for each planting strip width as possible, considering the city’s careful research and offerings. You can be confident that no matter which tree you choose from the list, your tree will improve your home’s value, make your neighborhood safer, and provide a healthier environment for years to come.

Find your tree at our online store, and discover how easy, inexpensive and fun it is to plant with us—from delivery to hole digging to staking to the potluck lunch after the planting. You’ll even get one of our colorful new Plant It Portland! tree tags to hang from the twine between your tree and the stake next to it.

Happy Thanksgiving, and happy holiday shopping!