Getting in touch has never been easier

Email your to get in touch with your neighborhood coordinator.
Email your Neighborhood Coordinator to start your tree purchase process.

By Andy Meeks

As you may know by now, Friends of Trees has embarked upon a new campaign called Plant It Portland as part of our continuing efforts to turn Portland’s Grey to Green. We make it easy to take part in this campaign. You can purchase a discounted street or yard tree for your home or volunteer with us at one of our many plantings between November and April.

If you are interested in learning more about getting a street or yard tree, we have a large network of trained volunteer Neighborhood Coordinators who can help you with our tree purchasing process. Every neighborhood that we plant in has at least one Neighborhood Coordinator. It’s never been easier to get in touch with that person.

All you need to do is send an email to the address with your neighborhood listed; for example, [email protected]. Find your neighborhood’s email address below and get in touch with us!

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Meeks is the Volunteer and Outreach Manager at Friends of Trees and can be reached at [email protected].