April Plantings Wrap Up I-205 Multi-Use Path Project

Holman Hill, I-205 MUP, April 6, 2013
Planting volunteers from the Association of Slavic Immigrants (Kris Day)

What a turnout! Thanks to volunteers from the Association of Slavic Immigrants and The Standard, which generously sponsored the event, Friends of Trees planted more than 125 trees along the I-205 Multi-Use Path on April 6. Above is a group photo of planters from the Association of Slavic Immigrants. Below is a slide show of the planting.

Holman Hill, I-205 MUP, April 6, 2013
A team of planters on April 6 (Kris Day)

The April 6 event was the first of three plantings this month along the path. On April 13, volunteers planted in the same area, at SE Schiller St and SE 94th Ave, and we’re looking forward to the planting on Earth Day, near SE Yamhill St and SE 94th Ave. The Earth Day planting is generously sponsored by REI Portland.

These plantings will wrap up the planting part of the project to green the I-205 Multi-Use Path, called “A New Forest Grows,” which has been underway for four years. (Verde staff will continue to take care of the trees during the summer months.) Altogether the project has added more than 5,000 trees and shrubs along the 16-mile path, and engaged more than 1,800 community volunteers.

Many thanks to our I-205 planting partners, ODOT, Metro, EMSWCD, and many others.

Photos taken by Kris Day.