Want to Join Team Friday?

Boise, Eliot, Humboldt & King, Feb. 9, 2013
Preparing for a planting (Lucia DeLisa)

“I realized two weeks ago … that for the first time in 18+ years of living in Portland I finally feel viscerally connected to my community in a way that I guess I have always been searching for—and it feels AMAZING. So thanks to you and everyone there for making that possible.”

—Don Crossley, Friday volunteer

Friends of Trees thanks you, Don, and your fellow Team Friday volunteers.

In addition to our new Wednesday volunteers and our helpful weekend volunteers who plant trees with us, Friends of Trees welcomes Friday volunteers who help us prepare for Saturday plantings.

Friday volunteers choose one of three shifts—9:30 am, 11:00 am, or 1:00 pm—to help out at our office, at 3117 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd (map). Usually they do a mix of outdoor and indoor activities, preparing clipboards, loading trees, pairing gloves, and doing other various tasks.

Team Friday volunteers are a valuable part of our plantings. They help ensure that we are organized and ready to plant on Saturday mornings.

We still have spaces open for Friday, March 15, as well as March 22. If you’d like to join us, please fill out our Volunteer Interest Form, and we’ll follow up with you!