What’s new with the Rock Creek Partnership

Feb. 11, 2012 Rock Creek Partnership Planting
Planting along Rock Creek (FOT file)

By Kris Day

An update on our private property restoration efforts with the Rock Creek Partnership is long overdue! As reported last summer, Friends of Trees has joined up with SOLVE and the Clackamas River Basin Council to reclaim the stream banks of Rock Creek with native vegetation to improve water quality and riparian habitat. With funding from Clackamas County Water Environment Services, our three organizations are working together to identify potential projects, establish site plans, and organize volunteer work parties to implement restoration plans.

This year, Friends of Trees has adopted three new project sites under the Partnership. So far, with the help of 60 volunteers we have planted nearly 2,000 new native trees and shrubs during just two planting events! And we’ve got two more plantings on the near horizon where an additional 1,625 natives will be planted. Come out to the eastern fringes of the metro area and check out the cool projects we’ve got underway!

Feb. 11, 2012 Rock Creek Partnership Planting
Planting along Rock Creek (FOT file)

We will be out at the Kuchinka Farm for Planting Phase #2 on Monday, March 5 (yes, that’s this coming Monday). We’ve already planted the hillside and upper flats of this site, so the focus will be on the riparian edges and broad floodplain this time. Next, we will be planting at the Grubb-LaBreck Farm on Saturday March 17 as part of the Inaugural Rock Creek Watershed Wide Event. On this day, we will be working immediately along the creek banks, down a gentle open slope, and into a wooded streamside glade.

Note: The Watershed Wide Event will be staged out of the Pendarvis Farm (site of the famed Pickathon Music Festival) and both breakfast and lunch will be provided. That said, pre-registration is required as space is limited—so sign up early!

We would be delighted to have your help with these projects—both special in their own ways. You can just show up this Monday at the Kuchinka Farm, and/or pre-register for the Rock Creek Watershed Wide Event on March 17.  See you on the east side!

–Day is Neighborhood Trees Contractor Specialist & Green Space Initiative Outreach Specialist for Friends of Trees. She is also the FOT Rock Creek Partnership Liaison.