9/11 survivor tree still fighting the odds

The survivor tree in November 2001 (nytimes.com)
The survivor tree in November 2001 (nytimes.com)
The survivor tree in April 2009. (nytimes.com)
The survivor tree in April 2009. (nytimes.com)

A blog from the New York Times last week gave an update on one of the most damaged trees to survive its previous home: the plaza at the World Trade Center.

Apparently, over the weekend of March 13-14, the tree faced more trauma, being pulled from the ground of its current nursery home by strong winds.

The Callery Pear tree is going to be Ok, though, according to the report.

Here is an excerpt that accounts for the tree’s condition after 9/11:

The pear tree was taken to the Parks Department’s Arthur Ross Nursery in Van Cortlandt Park soon after the attacks destroyed the twin towers. Of the seven trees found in the plaza at the World Trade Center after Sept. 11, “this was the one that was in the worst shape,” Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe said, adding that it looked as if it had been “soldered, twisted and gnarled and blackened.”

The tree is supposed to be planted at the 9/11 museum at the World Trade Center site.

–Toshio Suzuki

Mayor Adams plants fruit trees in Sabin

Mayor Sam Adams planted trees last weekend in the Sabin Neighborhood. (Sabin ...)
Rosemarie Cordello, left, with Mayor Sam Adams and Katy Kolker planting a fruit tree last weekend in the Sabin Neighborhood. (Sabin Community Association)

Seven new fruit trees were planted Saturday at the Sabin Neighborhood’s new community orchard.

Mayor Sam Adams, along with Commissioner Amanda Fritz, joined the Portland Fruit Tree Project and other volunteers to plant the fruit trees: pear; asian pear; apple; persimmon; fig; plum; and cherry.

Supported by a grant from the city of Portland’s Neighborhood Small Grants Program, the Sabin Community Orchard is located on Portland Bureau of Transportation land, at Northeast Mason St. between 18th and 19th.

Of course, Mayor Adams, like all area residents, has an open invitation to any Friends of Trees planting. Here is the online planting schedule. Friends of Trees and its Neighborhood Trees program will plant in the Sabin community on March 13.

–Toshio Suzuki