Having fun restoring Forest Park

Feb. 18, 2012 Forest Park Planting
PCC Landscape Club planters in Forest Park (Hi-Tec Sports USA)

In snow, rain and sun, nearly 50 volunteers planted 500 native trees to restore a new part of Forest Park on Saturday, February 18.

“It was fun!” the PCC Landscape Club wrote on its Facebook page. “Jerrad won a pair of Hi-Tec hiking boots during the raffles, too. Sweet. Activities like these are great. You get to be outdoors, breathe in fresh air, meet other plant nerds, tree huggers and environmentalists, and do something good for the earth while burning calories (and gaining some back with the donuts, cakes and coffee).”

Hi-Tec Sports USA, which sponsored the planting and provided the photos above, raffled off three pairs of boots and a couple of rain jackets at the end of the planting. The company, which just established its US headquarters in Portland last year, also gave every volunteer a $20 gift certificate and a hat.

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