Join us this Saturday at Durham City Park

Wont you join us this weekend at Durham City Park to plant trees?
Won't you join us this weekend at Durham City Park to plant trees? (FOT file)

By Andy Meeks

Friends of Trees would like to thank all of the volunteers who have helped us plant trees at Durham City Park over this past year.  Through our plantings last January, February and October, volunteers planted over 1,000 native plants and trees.

We’ll return to Durham City Park this Saturday, December 11, to plant approximately 650 native plants and trees, and we’d love to have your help!

If you can join us, we’ll get started promptly at 9:00 a.m., so please arrive at the park around 8:45 a.m.  Friends of Trees’ signs will lead you from the parking lot to the staging site, where we’ll enjoy some coffee and doughnuts before setting out to plant. As always, we’ll provide gloves, tools and guidance, and we ask that you dress appropriately for the weather and wear sturdy boots.

Starting in 2009, Friends of Trees has led volunteer planting parties at Durham City Park, which ironically is the site of a historic plant nursery. Our primary goals with this project are replanting native plants and trees in the Fanno Creek and Tualatin River watersheds as well as building a healthy community.

These plantings are made possible through our partnership with Clean Water Services and the City of Durham. We’ll return for another planting in the park on January 22, 2011.

Please don’t hesitate to contact Andy Meeks or Andrew Land in the Volunteer & Outreach Program if you have any questions or need additional information. We hope to see you out there!

–Andy Meeks is Volunteer & Outreach Manager for Friends of Trees