Volunteer in Salem

See you in Fall 2024!

Fall Crew Leader Training

This training will teach you everything you need to know about how to plant trees, and how to teach others to plant trees. Following the training we ask that you attend 4 planting events of your choice, scheduled Nov-April in Salem parks and neighborhoods. Planting events are held on Saturday mornings, almost always 9am-1pm. This is a fun way to learn about trees and leadership, meet new people, and make a difference!

“Do I need to have planted a tree before?” Nope. You also don’t need outdoor experience, or any fancy gear (just enough layers of clothes to stay warm and dry working outdoors). You simply need an interest in trees, and an interest in helping mentor others to plant them. FOT staff, arborists, and already trained Crew Leaders will teach you everything else you need to know!

What is the time commitment for this role?” In total, you are expected to commit ~22 hours (this includes the online + In-Person training, and 4 planting events, ~4 hrs each). The planting events are mostly on Saturday mornings from Nov-April.  We’ll send you a list of events you’re qualified for after after you complete the training.

“What is the training like?” The online modules of the training can be taken from the comfort of your own home. The In-Person component of the training will be Sat, Nov 16th, 9am-3pm (Salem, exact location TBD). Both online and in-person are required to become a Crew Leader.

Do you have any age requirements?” We ask that Crew Leaders are age 16 or older. Youth 15 and younger are welcome to become Crew Leaders but we ask that they have an adult with them for all their events.

Let's plant trees together!

Summer is a slower time for our tree planting and tree care activities. We’ll be gearing up for the next Oct-April planting season and updating the event calendar in late Summer.  Hope to work with you then!

Help needed on Saturday mornings, Oct ’24 through May ’25, to plant trees and make a difference greening Salem! Friends of Trees will provide tools, gloves, guidance, and some light breakfast snacks.

Events are held Saturday mornings (9am – 1pm) from October-April (sign-up – these trees don’t plant themselves!). Planting with Friends of Trees is a great way to get outside with your friends or family (or by yourself!), learn how to plant trees, meet people, fulfill community service requirements, and help make the Salem area greener and healthier—all in a few short hours. More volunteer information available on our Volunteer FAQ page.

Register to save your place on the Online Planting Calendar

Volunteer as a group!

Friends of Trees welcomes groups to volunteer together at our planting events! Planting trees with your group is fun, promotes group bonding and team-building, and is a great way to give back to the community. One person from the group may register the full group, simply visit the online calendar and fill out the registration form for that event, indicating the number of people in the group. Depending on your group size, we may need to split the group up into smaller planting crews. If you have any questions about which event is right for your group, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with our Volunteer & Outreach team: [email protected]