Planting Our Way Into February

It’s hard to believe Friends of Trees has already had nine plantings during the first two weekends of February!

On Feb. 2, community volunteers planted 1,200 trees at our Murray Hill planting (above), which was sponsored by PRiNK Techologies and planned in partnership with the City of Beaverton and Clean Water Services. Volunteers also planted 225 trees at Tranquil Park (below), a planting held in partnership with the City of Wilsonville.

On the same day, hundreds of volunteers planted more than 300 street and yard trees in the Piedmont, Woodlawn, Arbor Lodge and Overlook neighborhoods. The plantings were planned in partnership with the Portland Bureau of Environmental Services. Below are photos taken at the Piedmont and Woodlawn planting.

On Feb. 9, Friends of Trees volunteers planted 48 street and yard trees in six South Eugene neighborhoods, including the first trees of Eugene’s new “climate tree” program: three Chinese pistache trees and one blue oak. The photos below were taken by Marcus Kauffman.

Portland General Electric sponsored our Feb. 9 Gresham Woods planting (below), where volunteers planted 850 native trees and plants. The planting was planned in partnership with the City of Gresham.

Also on Feb. 9, Metro Councilor Carlotta Collette joined community volunteers at North Clackamas Park (below) to plant 1,275 trees and native plants. The planting was held in partnership with North Clackamas Parks & Recreation District and North Clackamas Urban Watersheds Council, with funding from Clackamas County Water Environment Services on behalf of Clackamas County Service District No. 1.

Finally on Feb. 9, the Timbers Army helped other community volunteers plant hundreds of street and yard trees in Portland’s Boise, Eliot, Humboldt and King neighborhoods (photos below by Lucia DeLisa), and more than 90 street trees along the Columbia Slough. The Portland neighborhood planting was held in partnership with BES, and the Columbia Slough planting was in partnership with the Port of Portland and the Columbia Slough Watershed Council.

If you missed these plantings, you still have plenty of opportunities to plant with us this month. We have four Portland-area plantings and another Eugene restoration party scheduled for this Saturday. Please join us!